Clinics We Offer

Nurse Clinics
We have 3 Nurses and an HCA, who are very well qualified and able to provide chronic diseases management of chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD), asthma, diabetes and high blood pressure.
They can perform ECGs (heart tracings) and removal of sutures.
They are also available for wound care management, and provide family planning, travel and child health services. They can also help you to lose weight with dietary advice.

Cervical Cytology (Smears)
Invitations for these are sent out by cytology invite from NHS England and the practice not PCT to female patients between the age of 25 to 64 years, patients are asked to make an appointment with one of the practice nurses.
Family Planning
Our doctors and nurses are able to advise you on the most appropriate form of contraception. We can provide free condoms and a prescription will be given for ‘the pill’. As well we can perform coil and implant insertions by appointment only for 20 minutes and requires both the Nurse and the Doctor.
For emergency contraception (the morning after pill) please ask for an urgent appointment

Mental Health Services
The above is a useful link for teenagers who are looking for confidential help with any mental health issues.
Single Point of Access
This is a freephone number patients can self refer into - 0800 0234650, information, advice and crisis support for adults with mental health problems.